Positioning and Product Visualization for Carbon Circle

Carbon Circle is an EPC provider specializing in carbon capture and energy transition. They offer modular carbon capture plants tailored to various industries, making it faster and more cost-effective to achieve decarbonization goals, capture CO2, and optimize energy consumption and production.

With primary markets in Europe and the USA, the company is headquartered in Oslo.

We assisted Carbon Circle in clarifying their market position, developing a new and improved toolkit for visual communication, and creating a simple handbook for effective digital communication and ambassador building.


  • Consulting: Practical positioning and effective communication strategies.

  • Visual Toolkit: 3D visualizations, photography, and enhancement of visual identity.

  • Digital Brand Guide

  • Presentation Materials and Website Content

  • Communication Handbook for Digital Communication and Ambassador Building

Gjengen i S&L har løftet oss mange hakk. De har transformert våre nettsider og presentasjoner med et helt nytt visuelt inntrykk, hjulpet oss med å spisse vår kommunikasjon, og laget fantastiske 3D-visualiseringer av våre produkter. En flott gjeng å jobbe med og vi ser frem til et langt samarbeid videre.

Vibeke Andersson, VP CCS


Vibeke Andersson, VP CCS