Clients we have worked with  

Positioning and Product Visualization for Carbon Circle

86 years of history conveyed in 7 minutes for The Nobel Peace Price 2024

Employer branding and strategic communication for Kantega

Reputation building and knowledge sharing for Sykehusbygg

3D visualization and animation for BRGM - France’s leading institute for geoscience.

Market insights, consulting, and content production for SINTEF

Content Creation and Digital Communications for MAGIX

PR, Digital Communication, and Content Production for UBIQ Aerospace

Knowledge sharing and digital visibility for the European Energy Research Alliance

Employer branding and Digital Communication 
for Q-Free

Communications partner for SYSTRA Norway

Project communication and leadership support for the new Drammen Hospital

Market analysis, concept development, and communication for SpareBank 1

Communicating Research for MegaRoller

Strategic consulting and communication advisory for Norsk helsenett

Employer branding and strategic communication for Kantega

Rådgivning og ekstra kapasitet for Institutt for samfunnsforskning