86 years of history conveyed in 7 minutes for The Nobel Peace Price 2024

On December 10, 2024, the grassroots movement Nihon Hidankyo was awarded the Peace Prize for its efforts to ensure that nuclear weapons are never used again.
Our contribution was this year’s Nobel Film, which tells 86 years of history from the nuclear age in just 7 minutes.
The film was created in collaboration with the Norwegian Nobel Institute. The script was written by Nina Stensrud Martin, and we were responsible for the visual concept, production and animation.

Do you rate with dice or points? Either way, it’s a six and a ten out of ten. Smidesang & Lyng helped us create this year’s film for the Nobel Peace Forum – in record time. In just seven minutes, the film takes us through the atomic age from 1938 to 2024. The result speaks for itself. Even the world’s leading nuclear scientist was impressed, and the film will be used by researchers worldwide in lectures and teaching.
Erik Aasheim
Head of Communications, The Norwegian Nobel Institute