We help you stand outresonate

We specialize in creating impactful stories that ensure our clients are seen, heard, and thoroughly understood, globally.


Våre tjenester  

Employer branding

Vi hjelper deg å finne og fortelle historiene som gjør at dere blir lagt merke til av de flinkeste fagfolkene – og vi har referansene som beviser det.

Strategisk kommunikasjon

Vi hjelper ledere å skape endring og utvikling gjennom målrettet og langsiktig kommunikasjon.


Du har en historie verdt å lytte til, hvis den blir godt fortalt. Det er vår jobb. Vi lager innhold som folk vil se, høre eller lese – til alle kanaler og flater.

3D-visualisering og animasjon

Vi hjelper deg å vise frem og forklare produkter som er vanskelige å forstå. Med oss på laget får du i tillegg prisvinnende håndverk, som vil imponere de du skal overbevise.

Foredrag og kurs

Noen ganger er faglig påfyll og andres erfaring, den beste kilden til inspirasjon og læring. Vi bidrar gjerne på områder vi kan godt, og skreddersyr innholdet til ditt behov.

Foto og video

Vi gjør alt fra små og raske foto-oppdrag, til rekrutteringsvideoer og forklaringsfilmer.


Mange virksomheter har et stort kommunikasjonsbehov, men mangler ressursene til å ha en kommunikasjonsavdeling. Da er vi et effektivt og fleksibelt alternativ. Du får en fast person som jobber hos deg 1-4 dager i uken – med et lag spesialister i ryggen.


Some of our clients  

Content Creation and Digital Communications for MAGIX

Knowledge sharing and digital visibility for the European Energy Research Alliance

Employer branding and strategic communication for Kantega

Market insights, consulting, and content production for SINTEF


Working with us  

Working with Smidesang & Lyng has been a pleasure. It allowed me to focus on my own tasks, confident that the assignment was executed in the best possible way. They assisted us in communicating the results of the EU project MegaRoller to the consortium and the public. It was essential to reach a broad audience – something S&L achieved effectively with video content and targeted digital communication.

This collaboration has earned us high praise from our partners, from researchers, and from the EU Commission in their evaluation. It has also led to inquiries from both domestic and international parties seeking more information about our research.

Hans Christian Bolstad

Senior Project Manager, SINTEF Energy Research

Collaborating with Smidesang & Lyng has provided us with new perspectives, improved structure in our marketing efforts, and award-winning communication. We have become more aware of the value in what we deliver and better at making it visible. It energizes us, builds pride, and generates greater engagement around our marketing work.

Marit Collin

Over the years, I have received excellent assistance from Smidesang & Lyng on everything from strategic advice in brand building to hands-on content creation. They are friendly and down-to-earth people who dare to challenge, and they combine a strong business understanding with resources to deliver – an important and valuable combination that has added significant value to us.

Chris Guldberg
Director of Marketing, Communications, and Sustainability

EERA brings together Europe's leading experts in energy research, aiming to tackle one of our time's greatest challenges, the climate crisis. Knowledge sharing is a crucial part of our mission, and here we rely on Smidesang & Lyng. They are an efficient communication partner, and in EERA CCS, we derive significant value from our collaboration. Moreover, they are pleasant and easy to work with.

Marie Bysveen
Chief Market Developer, SINTEF Energy Research

Smidesang & Lyng is a professional and friendly team. We hired them as photographers for our technology conference, Bridging the Gap, in 2023, and the images they delivered were fantastic and completely aligned with our expectations. The preparatory meetings were enjoyable, and it was a pleasure to work with them!

Sandra Skillingsås
Leader of Identity

We have worked closely with Smidesang & Lyng for several years, accomplished a lot together, and had fun along the way. They are skilled professionals who come prepared and always with a good attitude. We have utilized S&L for everything from strategic consulting to digital communication, and we have greatly benefited from the collaboration.

Kristin Gjøvåg

Head of Communications, Sykehusbygg HF

Smidesang & Lyng helped us produce an event where we needed livestreaming with picture-in-picture for simultaneous sign language interpretation. Our request was complex, but S&L handled the task very professionally and provided excellent support throughout. We found S&L to be highly solution-oriented, and the end result turned out very well!

Eli Skaug Rønning

Communications Advisor

Jeg hadde gleden av å samarbeide med Smidesang & Lyng som forskningsleder på SINTEF. Vi ønsket å lage videoer av våre til dels kompliserte laboratorier. John-Ivar satte seg raskt inn i våre behov og gjennomførte filming og redigering med minimalt av bidrag fra vår side. Resultatet overgikk våre forventninger.

Rune Holmen, Områdeleder Maritim transport, Enova SF

Adolf Øiens Fond har jobbet tett med Smidesang & Lyng i mange år. De bistår stiftelsene i Adolf Øiens Fond med profilering, kommunikasjon og presentasjoner. Dette bygger på gamle verdier, omgjort i en ny og moderne kontekst tilpasset dagens formål.